Welcome to the Metro-Tech site,

Here you can read all about the latest projects and news regarding the small indie game developer called Metro-Tech. But, that's not all, you are also free to register with Metro-Tech and participate in any discussions on the forum. This might even include ideas and concepts for any game in the making or future titles.

At this moment Metro-Tech is run bu just 1 person, but those who show a genuine interest are welcome to become part of it after all screening formalities have been taken care off.

Latest News

A warm welcome to our latest sponsor.


With their help we can give Offworld Lander Ops a serious boost. Don't forget to visit the site http://historicspacecraft.com if you want to learn more about this sponsor.



Metro-Tech is now registered on Desura, which is a big step for any games in development, or upcoming titles.



The game Offworld Lander Ops has reached the point at which it could use some serious play testers. Those of you not familair with the concept of play testing should know that they'll be playing/working with an unfinished product and should be ready to encounter bugs or weird design elements along the road.

Those who're still interested in active (Beta) testing are welcome to reply to the post on the forum.


Another giant leap has been achieved! The Tech Tree is now up and running. It has been quiet a struggle to get all things implemented, but I think it was worth the effort. It's a nice addition to the other game elements.


We started concept creation on a new game design which will be completely different from our current game in production. Although you should finish something first before you start anything new; it's always good to have some ideas up your sleeve.



I'm happy to announce that work on the latest game "Offworld Lander Ops" is about to hit beta. All the basic features are working and so far it's looking good. With some new ideas emerging there might be some delay, but as of now nothing is really pointing in that direction.

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